1. The terms and conditions of the IPPS-Iscte training offer are based on the latest Tuition Fee Regulations of IPPS-Iscte, where you will find detailed information.
2. The terms and conditions may be subject to change in accordance with updates to the Tuition Fee Regulations. It is advisable to regularly access this page.
Tuition Fees, Fees, and Charges
1. All students attending courses managed by IPPS-Iscte are required to pay the tuition fees for their respective short or long-term courses, without prejudice to discounts or other types of support established and approved by the IPPS-Iscte Directorate.
2. The application will only be considered after payment of the respective fee.
3. The application fee will be refunded if the course is unable to open due to a decision by IPPS-Iscte.
4. After acceptance to attend the course, an enrollment fee must be paid. Non-payment of this fee within the specified period is equivalent to withdrawal, and the spot will no longer be guaranteed.
Payment Methods for Tuition Fees
1. For short-term courses, one semester or less, the tuition fee can be paid:
In one lump sum at the time of enrollment/registration.
In installments, upon a written request for a payment plan approved by the executive board of IPPS-Iscte. This request is submitted by the student and will only be considered under the following conditions:
After the successful collection of application and enrollment fees, if applicable.
After validation of the necessary documentation for course registration.
2. For long-term courses, spanning more than one academic semester, the tuition fee can be paid:
In one lump sum, at the time of enrollment, benefiting from a prompt payment discount of 5% of the tuition fee.
Prompt payment is defined as the settlement of the total course fee in a single payment, if made within 5 business days after the issuance of the invoice.
In installments, upon request to the executive board, according to the following scheme:
Students who are nationals of European Union countries
Nine installments.
The first one at the time of enrollment.
The remaining eight installments are calculated by evenly dividing the remaining amount.
Installments should be paid by the 15th day of each month, with the second installment being charged in the month the course starts.
Students of non-European Union nationality
Four installments.
The first installment, to be settled at the time of enrollment, represents 50% of the total course tuition fee.
The remaining three installments are calculated by evenly dividing the remaining amount.
The installments should be paid by the 15th day of each month, with the second installment being charged in the month the course starts, and the remaining installments in the subsequent months.
3. Payment methods different from those mentioned above may be proposed and approved by the executive board of IPPS-Iscte for international courses or courses conducted abroad, for courses with schedules or planning that do not fit within the previous options, or whenever a specific payment method is deemed necessary.
4. Courses with protocols, including international ones or partnerships with other entities, are governed by the provisions outlined in the respective agreements or protocols.
Payment Methods
1. The IPPS-Iscte application portal provides the following payment methods:
Multibanco (entity and reference);
Deferred Payment (reserved for applications and registrations made by the employers of the trainees).
IPPS-Iscte offers a range of discounts on its training programmes; these discounts are not cumulative (except, where applicable, with the early payment discount).
The general discounts are as follows:
Iscte worker - 20% discount
Iscte student - 20% discount
IPPS-Iscte member organisation worker - 20% discount
ALUMNI Club Iscte member - 10% discount
Specific discounts may also apply to a particular course. These discounts will be indicated on the course page, available at ipps.iscte-iul.pt.
Late Payment
1. Students who do not pay the tuition fees within the deadlines established in article 4 of this regulation will be required to pay the outstanding amount plus default fees.
2. In the case of tuition fees being paid in installments, they are paid in the order of maturity, and it is not possible to allocate the payment to the last installment unless the previously due installments are fully settled.
Consequences of Non-Payment
1. It is considered non-compliance when payment is not made at the time of enrollment or registration or when the student does not settle the outstanding amount by the day immediately following the deadline defined for the payment of any of the installments established in the article of this regulation.
2. The non-payment of tuition fees implies:
The nullification of all educational and academic actions taken during the academic year;
Suspension of enrollment and registration in the respective course;
Prevention of issuing certificates and other documents;
Loss of the spot, which may be assigned to the next candidate on the waiting list.
3. Only students who have settled their tuition fees with respect to Iscte-IUL and courses managed by IPPS-Iscte can enroll in a new course managed by IPPS-Iscte.
1. Students are notified of the due date for tuition installment, along with the corresponding default fees, electronically.
2. The student is solely responsible for keeping their contact information updated in the academic management system.
3. In the case of courses that do not have access to the academic management system, the student is solely responsible for updating their contact information with the IPPS-Iscte secretariat.
Cancellation of Enrollment
1. Automatic enrollment cancellation occurs whenever the student has not settled the enrollment fee and the first installment of the tuition fee by the date specified on the invoice. In these cases, the student is not a debtor to Iscte and is not attending the registered course.
1. After the mentioned payment, the student can withdraw their enrollment, through a formal written withdrawal request directed to the IPPS-Iscte secretariat. The following schedule and respective payment obligations apply:
Medium or short-term courses:
If the request is formalized before the start of the course, the student is not liable for tuition fees. There will be no refund of the application or enrollment fee.
If the request is submitted during the first week of the course, the student is liable for 50% of the tuition fee.
Requests made after the end of the first week require full payment of the tuition fee.
Long-term courses:
A request formalized before the course starts leads to the refund of the first tuition installment, but not of the application and enrollment fees;
Until the end of the first semester of each academic year, payment is due for all installments that have fallen due up to the date of the request, including the respective month;
After the end of the first semester, the full tuition fee is due;
The payment of the overdue tuition fee resulting from the withdrawal request must be made within ten business days after the decision on the request;
Failure to make payment in accordance with the terms and deadlines defined in the previous paragraph results in the cancellation of the request.